COVID-19 Protocols | What to Expect

In an effort to consistently provide a level of service that is appropriate for the environment of each ride, we have updated our Standard Service procedures to protect against the threat of COVID-19. Please see the following to learn what we are doing before, during, and after our rides to keep our principals safe.


Before the Ride Protocols – We’ll ask all of our Chauffeurs to:

Vehicles will be sanitized before every ride. We are moving to an EPA registered cleaner that has been listed as effective against Human Coronavirus as we are able to procure it for rides in the US. This is dependent upon each location sourcing it. :

Chauffeurs are screened based upon any symptoms common to COVID-19.


During the ride | protocols


Wear a mask at all times when near a passenger

Wear gloves at appropriate times.

Wipe the vehicle down while waiting on a passenger
at a stop with unscented disinfectant wipes.

Remove all reading materials from the vehicle.

Do not shake hands.

Do not set the A/C on recycled air; however, the chosen setting should allow as much outside air into the car
as is comfortable for the principal.

On conditional approval by the principal, periodically
roll down the windows to circulate fresh air.

Provide hand sanitizer for the principal.


After the ride | protocols


The chauffeur will wait a mandatory 15 minutes to sweep the vehicle for any belongings that may have been left behind, as well as ensure that the principal has no other needs after being dropped off at their final destination.

The chauffeur will sanitize the vehicle.


Environmentally Controlled Ride Option (Available on request)

Additionally, for principals that believe the above measures to be insufficient for their level of acceptable risk, FORTIS can tailor protocols to fit the passenger needs and circumstances. We would be happy to talk through the variables of an Environmentally Controlled ride, especially as we encounter situations that present a higher level of risk.

Some Options available:

– Quarantined before ride
– Rapid COVID testing
– Partitions in vehicle

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